of our most popular programs are available on DVD for $25 plus shipping and handling.
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Are Asian Students Smarter? Order>
Professor Susie
Ling, Asian Studies Department Pasadena City College
What makes so many people think these students
are born smart? Is this a myth? Does Asian culture place
a higher value on education than other ethnic groups?
How can other students be just as smart?”
Now>> |
Parents Ought To Raise Hell
Ramon Cortines,former
School Superintendent: New York, Pasadena and San Francisco
If you’re interested in getting the best from your
kid’s school; if you’re interested in getting these institutions
to perform like you know they should; listen to this educator
and follow the advice he lays down! |
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They’re Your Kids Not Your Friends
Peggy Lewis, married
daughter of host Shirlee Smith
This is a classic. It sets the tone for Smith’s
philosophy and her daughter gives witness to the kind
of “upbringing “ Smith espouses. Does Lewis have fond
memories of growing up under the “captain” as her friends
named her mom? Will Lewis use the same plan of attack
– no friendship; only parenting – with her kids?
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Parent Legacies
Avery Clayton and
Roberta Lauderdale, children of African American luminaries
Clayton, CEO of the Mayme A. Clayton Library, which
is the largest and most substantial collection of African
American in the Western United States and Lauderdale,
daughter of famous author and photographer Bob Lucas,
discuss the influence their parent’s historical endeavors
have on them. |
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Family Values
Jack Scott, California
State Senator
Do you often wonder about the parenting styles
of political and entertainment newsmakers? This show’s
a close-up and tell- all about how decisions were made
in the family! |
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Inspiring Creativity
Octavia Butler,
Science Fiction Writer and winner of numerous awards including
the prestigious McArthur Award in literature
Among other aspects of her career, Butler discusses
the nurturing home environment provided by her mother
and the positive early reading experiences she had. Butler
is the author of more than a dozen best selling novels
her latest, “ Fledgling” released in November 2005.
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Take On Your School District
Monica Watts, parent
of special needs student who took her district to court
and won
This mother gives a step-by-step account of the
actions she took and how the end result has been the benefit
the school district could have given early in the “game.”
Her son appears on the show, with her, using the communication
device that was part of the court settlement
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Moms and Their Sons
Ed Bryant, Retired
Municipal Court Counselor
A no holds barred, punch ‘em where they’re not
expecting it kind of guest on this show who, along with
other issues, lays out the problem with mothers who don’t
believe their sons can do any wrong. “I’ve seen the young
man confess to wrong doing and I’ve had to listen to his
mother telling him he didn’t really do whatever his crime
was.” |
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