On Facebook the other day, I saw my smiling 50 something daughter’s post with an American flag wrapped behind her urging her followers to register to vote.
Ah, some forty years ago, my girl Pia and her sister Peggy were integral parts of the voter registration drives I conducted in the ‘hood.
Did they wanna do it? probably not. Did they do it? Uh, MommaMe doesn’t deal with what kids want. My kids are required to learn the rules of the game and play accordingly.
Pia and Peggy stood outside of supermarkets, check cashing outlets, welfare offices and the other people gathering spots in our neighborhood.
How many people did they register? Those numbers were never part of the formula for winning.
So we didn’t count. We just turned in the post-card registration forms to the County Registrar of Voters office.
My two young girls grew up, went away to college and moved away from home. I’ve never checked on their commitment to making it to the polls. I’ve not continued the lecture reminding them of the voting rights Black folk, their ancestors, fought for.
But Trump’s election and questionable appointments and actions have brought attention to the rules of the game.
So maybe it wasn’t MommaMe. Instead, maybe it’s President Trump that has spurred my daughter to run on Facebook with the voting ball.
Typically, the parent umpire doesn’t know how many innings there are to the ball game called raising kids nor do we know when the winning touchdown is going to score.
As parents, our coaching job is to teach the game emphasizing penalties and scoring points. Are our kids going to be winners? Maybe? But if we teach the essence of the plays, they will learn.
We can’t know when the kids will l bring home the trophy. We can’t determine when the words, deeds and lessons we teach will show up on the scoreboard.
I found the pay-off, the winning touchdown, on Facebook; of all places!
I planted the seed but thanks to President Trump for coming along with the watering can.
While, over the years, I’ve heard my oldest daughter, (not one of the two who registered folk) complain that voting doesn’t matter- that’s not the same tune this one is singing in 2018.
And my very youngest daughter, who still lives at home, complained every year after she registered to vote at the age of 18.
‘Why? “ she would whine.
“What a nuisance,” this daughter proclaimed year after year and then finally did a mail in ballot while I stood over her with a “Don’t let me have to. . . . “
Times have changed, she now reports and discusses every move Trump makes.
Times have changed but the game has not. Those who register and vote play to win.
Those who don’t make it to the polls make it easy for the opposition to score the winning touchdown or hit the home run with bases loaded.
Voter registration closures by state
Keep a watch on your registration status by frequently visiting this website:
How many people will offer up the nonsense excuse, that I heard for years when I was registering people, “ I don’t know all that stuff on the ballot so why bother?”
Vote for what YOU do know. Between now and election day, November 6, there will be plenty of forums on the issues and on the candidates. Ask questions. Take notes.
The game is going to be played whether or not everyone takes their rightful place on the field or on the court.
The winner will be announced.
How many will say they ran with the ball?
How many will declare the rules were stacked in favor of the opposition?
How many recognize that the winning points of the game are ours for the taking/voting ?
Think about making the kids part of this all important civic responsibility by giving them a sample registration form – they can learn the rules early in life and be prepared to win the game later.
Doing a mail in ballot? Give the young ones the thrill of putting it in the mailbox or handing it to the postman.
Take the kids with you to the polls on election day.
Voting can be a family affair. Start ’em early and be amazed with what shows up on “the later in life” score card – or on Facebook.
Take ’em with you.
They can practice on a voting machine at the polling place.