What to tell her handsome young son when his classmates assured him his days at “their” school were about over because President Trump would make sure he was on the other side of The Wall he declared would be built by the Mexican Government.
This Mom wasn’t a person known for paying attention to politics. She, as a single parent, was busy holding down two low-paying jobs and making sure her one kid got the best America had to offer.
Well, at least he was getting the best of the America that she could give him, and one of her gifts to him was to avoid letting him know that he was in any way different to the white-majority kids at the school she drove him to and picked him up from each day.
“A Wall?” she questioned one of her neighbors.
That Trump name, Mom sorta thought she remembered from television and some show called The Apprentice – where he fired people – and for her somewhat foggy recollection; they weren’t even Mexican.
Trumped on the schoolyard playground?
While this mom was working hard to make life as comfortable as possible for her young son, his playground counterparts had moms and other family members who were just as busy relishing in their new opportunity to take their country back.
Those kids, the owners of the school, those who called it their school, didn’t make up the idea of a wall that would separate them from the rapists and criminals who they’ve heard cross the border into “their” country.
Are they schoolyard bullies? Or are they simply kids repeating the conversations that go on in their homes?
When white parents believe the country belongs to them, most certainly, their children will follow the family value system and believe the schoolyard belongs to them.
The comfortable life that Mom believes she can provide for her son isn’t going to become a reality based upon her hopes and dreams.
“Yes, a Wall” the neighbor answered, and added she suspected the Donald would be deporting African-Americans once they settled down from foolishly demonstrating against police brutality and the killing of George Floyd.
Now, Mom was totally confused. The sarcasm didn’t register. She only knew her son didn’t understand what the kids on the playground were laughing about and neither did she.
It’s a time for all parents to take a look at who they are, who they thought they were and, for some, what racist beliefs they are fostering in their homes. It is long past time that we provide our children with an accurate age-appropriate view of the American reality.
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Your story conjures up a few visions – of parents who are pretty much all in the same boat, struggling to earn enough to support a family with little time left for explaining TV nonsense, other families that may silently agree with Trump’s evil ignorance or evil intent, whichever you subscribe to, or the family that doesn’t listen carefully and capture moments for good teaching. In any case, the kind of lunacy is shocking and deserving of everyone’s attention. So this is the world we have become!! Shame on us.
I’m both horrified, and concerned that Donald Trump has kept up his racial rhetoric. This Man has no Idea of the damage He is causing to our country. The hatred He is breeding , can only result in the minorities of this country being hurt. I remember being shocked at a child’s basket ball game when a father was shouting for his sons to Kill the little bastards, he was thrown out of the game, and the team had to forefiet the game . Now He is probably praised, and applauded for His Americanism. I think we are moving backward and all of Dr. King’s work is being lost. As a member of the civil rights movement of the 60’s I can only mourn what is happening today.
Excellent story reflecting very realistically the irony of “making America great again!
Thanks Emma,
You hit the target by asking us to see the truth about America returning to greatness. Exactly who is this greatness geared toward?
Well said Shirlee ! .
Wouldst that more Americans would take a hard look in the mirror to see who’s there .
A fellow I know is a hate filled tea bagger who’s Son wound up a methhead and last week gave up , bought a shot gun and killed him self .
Mean whilst , Dad and Mom are crying ‘ how did this happen ? ‘ .
Maybe it had something to do with your never ending parade of hate and racist spew ? .