I’m “back in the saddle, again, back where a friend is a friend” grabbing these lead lyrics from that old Roy Rogers tune from my childhood.
It’s been a strange and reflective absence – but I talked myself into the joy I’ve felt in slapping together and providing readers with a viewpoint they either think is quackery or good common sense.
I put the pen and paper away after I posted my take on Ferguson MO.
Maybe I didn’t bother to write since then, because nothing is new.
Some might ask, “Well what about Ebola?”
Same old Ferguson story. Mr Duncan, who died after finally being admitted to the Texas hospital he’d already been to but was turned away from, some of us believe, because he had no insurance that would pay for his stay.
Not that he had acquired any when he was finally admitted, but by that time there was too much focus on the outbreak of the disease than to justify letting him walk away.
“Hands Up Don’t Shoot” but White America shot Duncan anyway. His hands were up and he was at the mercy of those sworn to protect and serve – the doctors at the Texas hospital.
But, Shirlee, you’re as unreasonable as ever. What a stretch of the imagination.
Okay, I’ll leave Duncan, Ebola and Ferguson alone, because I know the next question I’m gonna get is how does this position of mine have anything to do with parenting or children.
Darn. Now to answer, I have to go back to Duncan, Ebola and America.
Parents, I believe, are responsible for providing their children reliable information on what is happening around them.
How long has Ebola been raging in Africa? Now that it has come to America, what to tell the children?
Maybe history classes in school already taught our kids about smallpox and our Native Americans. Maybe the kids have been provided information on African Americans and the Syphilis Experiments.
Okay, that’s enough for the start of hopping back in the saddle. I’ll hear from some readers who will say “Welcome back” while others will send another kind of message and simply unsubscribe to the blog.
“back where a friend is a friend.” Hm, I’m not to sure I have any of them left. With or without,
I’m here and riding the range with my shotgun at my side.
Comments are closed.
Shirlee, “Back In The Saddle Again” you’ll find it was Gene Autry’s signature song, not Roy Rogers. Both were “singing cowboys” though, so the mistake is understandable. I, as a musician with extreme interest in that period of music, do the same with other songs – attribute them to someone other than the artist – even though many songs were recorded by many different singers. So, perhaps Roy Rogers did record it as well.
It had never occurred to me — given my middle-class white background — that Duncan was turned away from the hospital for lack of insurance.
Keep telling us the obvious, Shirlee. We need to hear it.
Welcome Home Shirlee ! .
Anyone who unsubscribes because you tell the truth , wasn’t your Friend anyway .
The interesting aspect of this ebola thing is how the ones supposedly in charge ofAmerica, and supposedly in charge of protecting us , are instead using it as handy fear mongering to better control Americans , I was raised to believe this is fundamentally wrong .
On a happier note , I took our Foster boys to Echo Park on All Hallow’s Eve where an Industry friend of mine puts on a terrific haunted house every year , they were scared witless but loved it and went back again .
Then we walked around the beautiful and historic neighborhood admiring the houses that are being restored or renovated and meeting and chatting with the Blue Collar folks who have lived there since is was a slum in the 1960’s and 1970’s .
My boys got at least 4 # of candy , more than I ever did in my wildest dreams as a child .
They also enjoyed seeing a new to them neighborhood where the people were friendly and welcoming .
It’s good to have you back .
Maybe if TEXAS wasn’t so ignorant & hate filled and had taken the Medicare expansion money , poor Mr. Duncan wouldn’t have died .
The turning away of Mr. Duncan was a clear example of racism. I would guess insurance had little or nothing to do with the real reason. He was not interviewed by an intelligent person, obviously, and, I would bet, a white person with didn’t give a damn about where he had been or what disease he had. Thanks for calling it what it is – another cruel joke that racism plays on us again. Thanks for writing again. It is great to see your thinking still so clear and “to the point”.
Welcome back and Shirley you do have a friend who was just about to write and make sure you are ok. As a grandparent , I find that the racism that is going on is just as blatant as when I was a child.
But not only racism there is the $$$ sign no one wants to do any thing unless they are going to get paid. The other night on Saturaday night live the comedian Chris Rock made some very solid comments regarding the commercialism of America. The bit was funny and sadly true No money no service. I pray that we will learn something from this outbreak that by denying help to one many may suffer. Keep writting Shirley we need your voice.
All is well… Shirlee is back!