MAHER, my longtime Politically Incorrect Hero, has crossed the correct line, as usual. This time on parenting.
With just about everything these days, when the finger gets pointed in the right direction, criticism abounds.
So for this white guy to call parenting skills into question, saying bad parenting is to blame for such incidents as the Spring Valley High School confrontation, where a black female student was thrown to the floor by a school resource officer, black folks wanna attack his position.
Maher is once again correct, albeit politically incorrect.
He admitted that it was “horrendous” for an officer to use such physical force against a teenage student for not handing over her cell phone when told to do so, but added he has “sympathy for people in authority because I think parents just let kids do anything nowadays, so they never listen to authority,”
Maher went on to ask, “Am I wrong that parents are just not doing the job? It’s overzealous policing and underzealous parenting?”
Most of the buzz going on is focused on the security guard using excessive force with little being said about the student who didn’t comply with the teacher’s demands.
A student who doesn’t respect orders and rules at the school hasn’t been made to respect the orders and rules laid down in the home.
“But she was a foster child,” is one of the big excuses floating around in defense of the girl’s defiance.
Foster parents, and I am one, have a responsibility to raise the young people placed in our care to become responsible members of society.
Being a foster child is not the cause for lack of compliance. The negligence of her foster parents is where the conversation needs to be directed.
This takes us to the truth in Maher’s comment that, in my words, underperforming parents lead to overreacting professional enforcement.
California Congresswoman Maxine Waters has cautioned us not to assume all students have parents. This position of the Congresswoman’s is duplicitous at the very least when applied in this case, since a licensed foster parent is collecting from government entities a monthly check for acting as this girl’s parent, albeit, a foster one.
We note that the foster parent(s) provided the student with the latest in electronic gadgetry. Shouldn’t we expect just as much when it comes to providing the girl with values that encompass respect for rules, authority and herself?
I agree, I had a simular thing happen with my youngest son. He was very young and was protesting having to move to another class and become a”Big Boy”. He wedged himself in the door jam and try as the teachers might he would not move. I’m sure because of his age the school called me I came immediately and handled the situation. But two things stand out the school called Me because they knew I would respond and ease the tension. There has to be communication between the parents and the school. The school needs to know if there are issues with a certain child, and they must partner with the parent(or foster Parent) to make sure we are all on the same page. Work yes but I would rather work with the teacher then bail my kid out of jail or go to the hospital because of injuries. Bill is right we Parents need to take the lead and work with our schools so our children know we are a team for their futures.
THANK YOU for this Shrilee ! .
I have a house full of Teenaged Black Foster boys and I’m always telling them to tow the line , pick their battles very carefully as the Athens L.A. County sheriff’s dept. would just as soon shoot a Black child as look at them and I do not want to go identify one of them in the L.A. County Morgue .
This is the reality of Parenting in 2015 .
Kids should be empowered and the best way is to teach them from birth that there’s a time and place for every thing and Adults are in charge , not them , there’s always later to address a complaint .
Yes , officer ‘ throw down ‘ was over the top but that does not relieve the girl of her responsibility to act right and follow the Teacher’s and officer’s instructions .
Folks , this could have been YOUR CHILD and if it was , _YOU_ would have had at least 1/2 the fault .
Of course you are right Shirlee. Once again your extraordinary knowledge of and experience with foster parenting gives you the experience and the right to your opinion in this case. Bad judgment all around, I believe, but we really have to acknowledge the lack of parenting in this child’s life – wherever that responsibility lies. Adolescents in general regard their cell phones as an extension of their own hand and arm. Don’t touch! Try teaching in a classroom full of those kids and their cellphones. Teaching is becoming more and more challenging!
I agree. Not good parenting.Still wonder if there was another way to handle that.. I don’t know cuz I am pretty impatient to.
Chili ;
Impatience and basic lack of respect are different things .
In the end : if you chose to act like a Child , do not be surprised when you are treated like one .