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Ever wonder why you, your kids and your family are doing so well? Maybe you think this statement is somewhat intrusive since I don’t really know how you or the others around you are managing.
Well, you’re right to question my making these assumptions. And you’re right if you’re thinking I’ve got a lot of nerve.
But don’t we all spend a bit of time making judgments about others? And doing that takes a certain amount of nerve.
That said, I hope you get my drift that I’m pretty much on the same track as everyone else.
When the Holiday Season hits, sometimes, as members of this society of ours, while realizing there are definitely people less fortunate, we get so busy with our own “doing well” that we don’t take the time to reflect on the “others.”
Sure, just about every kid gets a wrapped present from a fat guy dressed in red at some holiday event thrown especially for the “less fortunate.”
And every year television news saturates us with shots of celebrities working side by side with regular volunteers dishing up Christmas dinner plates for the destitute and homeless who’ve shown up at some designated yearly spot.
But neither Christmas cheer nor holiday meals go very far when a lifestyle of doing without and of having no knowledge of how to climb the ladder out of drudgery exists for the other 364 days of the year.
Ah, knowledge. Forgive me for introducing such a sobering concept when right now it’s pretty much shopping, eating and, well, all about merriment.
My apologies, but I come upon too many parents with children who, while lost right now in the celebration we once remembered having Jesus being the reason for the season, are overwhelmed with life’s everyday challenges.
Ah, knowledge! Dare to give a different kind of holiday cheer. Dare to give a cheer for long-term knowledge. Dare to help families help themselves not for just one day and not just for all year but for generations to come.
If you don’t know someone, surely you know someone who knows someone who is a former foster youth or who is the child of an incarcerated parent.
There I go again, making more assumptions, huh?
Maybe you really don’t know anyone living such a lifestyle. Oh, well.
Maybe you can ask around. Maybe you will share this blog. And perhaps even step out of the comfort zone and find some of these kids, because we’ve got the opportunity of a lifetime to offer them.
There are higher education scholarships just for them, and if they take the step on this higher education ladder they can break the cycle of not knowing how to change a lifestyle.
How do I know you’re doing well? Well, I don’t, do I? But I suspect that you’re neither in foster care nor that your mama or your pappa is behind bars.
You’re doing well!
Please follow these links to future Happy Holidays that last a lifetime – college scholarships for kids who never thought they could.
Find a kid or make a donation – Happy Holidays to all.Associate Dean Debra Leathers at dleathers@swlaw.edu.http://creativecorrectionseducationfoundation.org/