art by Brandi
Oh, do the baskets with bows, streaming ribbons, stuffed bunnies, a few fake soft feathery yellow chicks, candy and a toy help make Easter Sunday a worthy celebration?
One mom said that Easter, for her, was all about getting her preschoolers pretty clothes for church on that important day. Pretty clothes, she figured, would cost her several weeks’ pay but the expenditure was a necessity.
This Ms. Single Mom has a job that pays the minimum wage but she believes her credit card makes up the difference because what expenditures her cash doesn’t cover VISA will kick in.
My neighbor’s kid said that an egg hunt means he not only gets to keep the decorated eggs he finds at the annual event at the park but his Dad pays him for every egg he finds.
The cousins who invite the family for the big day of Honey Baked Ham with all the trimmings say they’d like to forget about all the cooking and greedy family members but the whole thing is a tradition they can’t break away from.
I think it was my mother who always reminded family members — maybe it was for Christmas but it certainly applies to what’s happened to Easter — Jesus is the reason for the season.
I asked Ms. Single Mom about the clothes, the church and the season.
While seemingly annoyed with me for bringing what she called “religion” into the now unpleasant conversation, she said her kids had learned Bible verses for the Easter program but insisted they had to look “adorable” to participate.
And then she added, with a flair (I guess to put me in my place), that her little girls would be having their hair done by her braider even though she bought sun hats for them to wear.
I begged off with that comedian phrase, delivered with my hands up in submission, “I’m just askin’.”
Dad, the neighbor, says he isn’t into the “churchy” stuff and he doesn’t want to bore his kid with all the stuff his parents put him through, so the egg hunt and the money are his way of diverting attention away from what is traditional “junk.”
The cousins chuckled when I asked about the “reason for the season” and the two main chefs said that once everyone sat down to the large dining room table a blessing for the food was offered.
“Lord, we thank You for this bountiful blessing we are about to receive and praise You for Your. . .” and chef #1 went on with this blessing for a full minute.
Chef #2 said that everyone at the table had to say a verse from the Bible, even the young children.
Well, I think I’m left to appreciate the fact that real bunnies and baby chicks didn’t emerge as Easter’s meaning.
Maybe I just asked the wrong folks about this. I know there must be some parents out there, not just the churchgoers, who are passing down to their offspring the true reason for the season.
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For me Easter is family easter egg hunt in the back yard with biggest prize being 2 quarters. Easter Sunrise service and dinner. I have carried on this tradition through out my life an my children who have passed it on to their children. I hate seeing everything being commercialized it is about Faith(Jesus rose up from evil) and Hope (Jesus will return) nothing more.
Dear Shirlee,
The Season SHOULD REPRESENT—–Lent (what you wish to “give up” for uplifting your spirit;
“Pruning” yourself—-re-moving emotional bad habits/behavior or DE-clutter things in your environment;
and work on a “Spiritual Catharsis” so as to “Resurrect” oneself to a higher essence of living / and treating others better.
Giving Easter eggs / or a “bunny basket” to less fortunate children (i.e. those in living shelters), to give them some joy and letting them know that they are thought about; or serving meals at a shelter or donating living essentials (toothpaste, socks, mouthwash, lotion, etc.) to shelters——————are nice “alternatives” to UPLIFTING AND RESURRECTING THE HUMAN SPIRIT of OTHERS, whom may be without HOPE, trying to simply survive in this world. Yes, Easter should be about much more than—-colored-straw grass, candies, “looking cute” or “out-doing someone else in your Easter “frocks,” or whom ate at the most expensive restaurant for “celebrating” Easter. Yes, my brother and I grew up with those “Easter traditions”…but we had a beautifully brilliant Mother—–who also taught us the “Real Meaning” of the holiday.
Sorry to be late with my contribution to the discussion.
I hope that everyone had a nice Easter holiday…regardless of whatever it means to different people.
—–Bill Allen, Jr.