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They’re Your Kids  Not Your Friends
By Shirlee Smith

Parenting Book - They're Your Kids Not Your Friends

There’s nothing theoretical or ambiguous about Shirlee Smith’s parenting.

Everything is important !

  • Music our kids listen to
  • Clothes our kids wear
  • Friends our kids hang with

In this book, we learn there’s nothing trivial about the business of parenting. 

In They’re Your Kids Not Your Friends, Shirlee shares her experiences in this down-to-earth book marked by practical wisdom, wit and warmth.


“I got (Shirlee smith’s) book at a time when our world seems to be coming apart at the seams and in my hands I was holding so much close to home wisdom…the book is a reminder that we can make a difference in those lives close to us.” – Myra Silverman, Parent (Ashland, Oregon)

“I started reading the book the night i bought it and couldn’t put it down; so down to earth, so much common sense.”  Lena Kennedy, CEO Southern California Women’s Health Conference.

I remember these wonderful written pieces of parental advice when they were in the Pasadena Star News.” Alice Stiles former Pasadena Star News Assistant to the editor (pictured speaking with attendee).

The wisdom Shirlee shares is what our old neighborhood was all about. The book is memory lane for me.Gwen Case, friend since elementary school (pictured talking with Alice Stiles.)

“Raising children is chaotic and Shirlee’s common sense, “method to my madness” approach was a welcome change to what else is out there. The book is a great tool for parents or anyone. Everyone should participate in the life of a child.” – Chris McIntosh, Program director ( DHTV 21 &22)

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