OurNewsletter Vol 2010-03
In This Issue
.. Our Activities
.. Parent Talk
.. What's New
.. Shirlee's Desk
.. Floor-Showing
.. Training Workshops
.. Donor Highlights
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Parent, Dorsey, Smith, Berberian and Strum

Libraries throughout the county provide a special card program for foster youth. On May 25, during National Foster Care Month, Talk About Parenting hosted an event at the Altadena Library (where Shirlee was a Board Trustee), highlighting this service. Foster parents and children attended as did Steve Strum and Dr. Jeff Dorsey from DCFS; Barbara Minnified, of Community Outreach, Pacific Clinics; Theresa Reed, Pasadena City College Community Center Kinship and
Refreshments were served
Foster Care Director; David Tuck, Library Board Trustee; Ann-Marie Stephenson, Talk About Parenting board member; and Joe Hopkins, Pasadena Journal Newspaper Editor/Publisher.
Children's computer area

Children and young adult librarians provided a tour of the children and young adult areas.

Board of Director Update
We welcome Rocco Olivo and Thomas Ralls to our Board of Directors. Please visit our website to learn more about them.
I can think of no one better able or qualified to begin the national dialogue on Children and Parenting than Shirlee Smith; how needed this dialogue is to our children and to ourselves. What happened? We have older children living at home clueless. We have children that feel "entitled". We are seniors frightened of our middle-aged offspring. We are the infirmed and the elderly raising our children's children because of substance abuse. We are ill served and overworked by the agencies that should help us help the children. It's heartbreaking and angering. You must give up your sense of justice and truth if you are to survive for your child. Agencies and the law are at odds. We seek help and remedy to get the services necessary to have our child(ren) succeed. What has happened to us and to our children? We need a forum now.

-- By Kharin Mishan, published on the Oprah OWN site --


Get Tough >>>

New show segment on Talk About Parenting LIVE! for callers and commentary.

If you purchased a new car and things went wrong, there's not a person reading this who wouldn't be back at the dealer post-haste. Might even get there before the place opened up. But what about our kids' education? Do parents show up at the school? Are we more concerned with the performance of our cars than that of our kids?

Edward James Olmos, actor, & Ramon Cortines, Supt.
A ride-along visiting schools with soon-to-retire LAUSD Superintendent, Ramon Cortines. Included in the visit was Garfield HS where a program was given in honor of recently passed away Jaime Escalante, the famous Math teacher, who taught there and on whom the movie "Stand and Deliver" was based on. (Olmos played Escalante in the film.)

shirleeOprah Competition (Your OWN Show)
Thanks to so many who visited the Oprah site and voted! We wrapped it up with 5,146! The winners have been announced; uh, we didn't get considered as those entries with millions of votes took home the trophy. Hank Wilfong, in Savannah, GA. says he went back to the site enough times to be credited with the whole 5K! But we did win. We're taking that 3-minute clip, that promotes our parent workshops on the road to school districts, agencies, churches and to whichever groups we think of who have parents as part of what they do.
>>>> floorshowing <<<<

June Madness
....... If I were just a little bit lazy, I'd pull out my writing from last year on high school graduation activities, because nothing has changed very much. Year after year, and by now that count is somewhere past 30, I scratch my head ...... More >>>

Don't Judge..... Failed adoptions are common occurrences all across America. But thanks to nurse Tory Hansen, the public has come to know the horrors that face far too many people who simply step forward wanting to do the right thing ...... More >>>

Finally, A Replacement For Boring Men..... Taylor Momsen, the 16-year-old one-time actress and now sultry music maker, helps our girl-children - and they are still children at the age of 16 - sound like the sluts, hos and female dogs that rap artists who constantly hold their crotches preach about ..... More >>> Read Shirlee's comments on Fox News.

Teen Drivers........ Teens behind the wheel are the responsibility of the parents. Driving is a serious business and even if the teens don't have the brain power to recognize this and abuse this opportunity, their parents have the legal power to pull the plug on this privilege.... watch the clip >>>

Special Needs Kids & Discipline (Autism Awareness Month)...... Understand your child. Don't jump to conclusions. After watching carefully, check with the pediatrician - proceed with caution, seek help and research, research, research. Autism is a spectrum disorder and you, as the parent, must come to know everything to be known.... watch the clip >>>


We're headed to prison - California Institution for Women (CIW) in Chino, CA. Thanks to the carol liucommitted Senator Carol Liu, 21st District, and the work of her Legislative Aide, Andrea Lane, six of our fabulous Parenting Workshops will be offered to incarcerated women who are mothers.
For more details about our workshops, visit the Parent Advisor Page


Tina Wallin brings her many skills to our pool of talented, dependable and committed volunteers. Tina is the videographer for our LIVE show. She also updates our website. Tina plans to take the producer's class at the TV station. She is employed at the Altadena Library.



Individual Donors
Lorene Fleming, Elliot Gold, Adelaide Hixon, Greta Pruitt, Phoenix Smith, Jervey Tervalon



For participation, contact us at

(626) 296-2777

If being on camera is not your "cup of tea", you can start your discussion topic at our
"YOU TALK" Forum

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